Shakti Sadhna

Durga Saptashati

From the teachings of Shree Avdhoot Baba Shivanand ji (Babaji) London was blessed by our beloved Shivanand Babaji between the 14th and the 25th of Oct when baba conducted Durga shaptashati paath and also blessed all the sadhaks with Srividya level 1 and Srividya Level 2 We Londoners were blessed by the presence of Babaji, Gurumai, […]


Living in the Aura of the Guru

  Energy, just like water flows from a higher source to a lower source. Therefore when one constantly thinks of the divine master, one gets connected to the aura of the master. Once connected the flow of energy from the master into our consciousness begins. It only when this flow of happens that our lives […]


The life of a Shivyogi

As a Shivyogi my life took a complete 360degree turn for the good My beliefs and convictions have been shaken to the core. I have always been a keen believer in God and also have had keen curiosity to find out what the fuss really is all about But as they say the quest for […]